Another Way


With Anna Tuchtan

Imagine if you lived purely from feeling.  I do not mean from emotion but from feeling yourself, so that you know what feels right in the moment for you.  Feeling when to rest, when to move, when to create, when to work or be with others.  You simply listened to yourself, and followed the energy that flows through that says “yes”.  

Some people live like this but for most of us it takes awareness and practice to let go of the conditioning we have taken on through family and society.  To step into a space within that has no ‘shoulds’.  It’s hard to know how deeply ingrained these belief systems are, but it seems that each generation breaks them down more.  

The energy of Spirit, ours and guiding spirits around us, help us to feel our ‘yes’.  When we enter the feeling state we are able to receive spirit energy and the beautiful feeling of yes becomes synergised. This state helps us to allow the abundant energy from spirit to support us in the moment and eventually, the moments connect to become a continuum.  

To live like this more of the time, to begin with, takes a focus and self reminders to feel into what feels right in this moment and to follow it.  There is no hurry to get it right or to make big changes, just a little at a time.  

When you want support to feel spirit, yours and the guiding forces around, you may choose to come and walk in my door.  It is a healing that I offer but it is very much a teaching so that you can learn to feel these magnificent beings in your life.  They are here to support you to feel and follow what is right for you.  When you become practiced at this, knowing what is right will become more and more obvious and a natural fulfilling way to live.  

Anna Tuchtan

Anna has worked professionally as a psychic spiritual healer for 10 years. Spiritual Healing is an ancient form of healing where angels and guides are channelled to work on your soul, ultimately for its evolution.

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