The Effects of Thought on the Body


By Anna Tuchtan

The effects of thought on the body.

It is deeply satisfying to understand why we act or think a certain way.  It can show us how unique we are, but more importantly for negative patterns it can show us that that we don’t have to be that way.  It opens the possibility for change and the ability to see things with fresh eyes.. and we become closer to who we truly are, beyond the influences of our culture, our upbringing or other past experiences.

One way of looking at the cause of our thoughts is the way they appear psychically- through seeing beliefs as Thought Forms.  Our thoughts become beliefs over time, these beliefs form isolated energies (called Thought Forms) that sit in different parts of our body.  They sit in energetic layers of our body or organs, and can affect our behaviour and our physical health.

For example I had a client today that held the Thought Form of “you never listen to me” in her small intestine.  It was the voice of her mother that she had adopted for herself. It was playing out in her friendships where she never felt met.

Another example is a client that has an injured arm.  This client has a lot of negative thoughts about themselves.  In the injury itself I could hear him swearing at himself. This is a sign that he has created a Thought Form in the arm itself, most likely before injury occurred.  The injury has had a major impact in his life and exacerbates his negative self talk.

When we feel these energies within, we can understand how they affect our lives.  Bringing it to our consciousness, means that we can step out of habit and into choice, we can change and evolve from the past.  Intentionally involving Spirit into this process, speeds it up and supports your readiness. This can be done through your intention or through the support of a Spiritual Healing. 

To do this through your own intention, you can meditate on your own spirit or any good feeling since the good feeling will be connected to a high vibration.  Allow that good feeling to grow and allow it to listen to or soothe the Thought Form. The energy of the high vibration will go right into where the Thought Form is located in your body.  The power of the Thought Form will dissipate and with regular focus will disappear.  

In a healing I do this with my spirit team.  I will be guided to the cause or Thought Forms that exist.  The energy of high vibrational beings will enter you, raise your vibration and weaken the hold of the Thought Form.    The change of the behaviour or healing of the physical condition then also follows suit.

The specific spirit will come through that will best support your transition.  One Guide I work with is strong, holding and has a deep vibration. Another is feminine, graceful and gentle.  Another is direct and quick in making changes. There are many spirits that come through in a healing to support you.  All are loving, however, each give you love in different ways and always exactly how you need.  

As the Thought Forms become less dominant in your life, you have greater inner freedom and can express more of your true essence. 

By Anna Tuchtan

Anna has worked professionally as a psychic spiritual healer for 10 years. Spiritual Healing is an ancient form of healing where angels and guides are channelled to work on your soul, ultimately for its evolution.

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