Breastfeeding Guide - Sneak Peek!


By Addison Landry

I support women from fertility to motherhood, specializing in the energetics of fertility and postpartum care. My goal is for women to walk out of a session with me feeling totally empowered in the knowledge and awareness of their own capability. We are not taught how powerful we are, and with that, we are not taught the ways in which we can activate this power. The ways we take care of ourselves are simple and intuitive, but we have been steered away from that for a very long time. Power always comes from within, and we must come back to our bodies and learn to take care of ourselves in a way that is sustainable and will ultimately enhance our experience and our vitality.

Here is a sneak peak into my New Guide: BREASTFEEDING ENERGETICS  being released July first for purchase on my website. I am so excited to share this intuitive, transformative and joyful wisdom with you.



During pregnancy, our bodies go through a process of energetic recalibration in order to adapt to the needs of the newborn baby. This means the body’s organ and energy systems function shifts majorly, in order to have the capacity to fulfil the role of being a mother. The body’s innate intelligence guides this process beautifully, in the same way an acorn in the ground knows how to grow into a majestic oak. The body’s ability to grow a child, and the capacity to breastfeed, comes from the body’s innate intelligence. This intelligence stems from the energy field, and from this energetic knowledge, the body creates the basic structure and pattern of life. That being said, we all have unique expressions, and that is a by-product of our environment. Our environment plays a large role in how the innate intelligence of the body can feel supported enough to create life as seamlessly as possible.

An acorn is not an oak tree. If you look inside an acorn, you will never find an oak tree, or even all the necessary ingredients for an oak tree. However if you plant the seed in fertile ground and if you cultivate its purpose daily by feeding it, watering it, giving it adequate sunshine, and lots of love, the acorn will learn to pull ‘oak tree potentials’ from surrounding energy fields scattered throughout its environment. These necessary ingredients have always been there, as if waiting for the seed to pull them near. If the seed isn’t growing to its full potential, then we look at it’s environment. The innate intelligence never changes, what changes is the environment which will either fully support or slightly hinder the ability for full expression. In the same way this plays out for the development of a tree in nature, humans are also part of the same nature. This innate ability of the acorn is the same as our bodies innate intelligence to create a child. The answer to wellbeing and the ability to thrive always has, and always will lie in our environment.

In this guide, I will share with you what I know about the foundational energetics of breastfeeding, and ways in which this knowledge and practice can have a powerful impact on your feeding and the postpartum journey. Throughout the guide, I will recommend a sequence of how to begin to activate the energy and body to amplify your wellbeing. This also is a lesson in how to tune into your body. I kindly invite you to tune into what feels good and what excites you to focus on after that. It is important to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves as we begin to learn something new.

Here's what we will learn throughout this document. This outline is my recommended approach to energetics so you can thrive in your environment:

  1. Understanding the Energetics

  2. The value of breastfeeding

  3. Clear and stimulate arcline

  4. Organ activation

  5. Hydration

  6. Nourishing foods

  7. Activating beauty and radiance- Essential oils

  8. Sound healing

  9. Finding the joy

Understanding the Energetics

The wisdom I share with you here stems from an array of teachings and studies in energetics. Specialising in the Morphogenic Field technique, I value the fact that everything in nature is made up of energy. All living organisms have their own unique energy signatures that are recognized by biologists, scientists and physicists. You may have heard it also being called Chi or Aura. Our energy field indicates the state of our well-being, and is generated from the health of every single cell in our body. Every cell has a vibration, and when you have a collective mass of cells there is a collective vibration. This is the way our bodies communicate. If we were to draw or take a photo of the Morphogenic energy field (aura, chi) surrounding the body, it would look like flesh of an apple surrounding its core.

As energy is the root of all creation, it’s clear to me that when amplifying health, you would look at the root cause for any imbalance or dis-ease. Imbalance or dis-ease of any sort always begins as an energetic imbalance within the body. Energetic imbalances will affect the health of the person over time, as they begin to create changes in the physical matter of the body. If imbalances are present for long enough, they will more severely affect the organs and bodily systems and generate symptoms. By learning to listen to the body and our intuition, we begin to have an energetic conversation to find natural solutions to improve our health and wellbeing.

To find out more get in touch with Addison!

By Addison Landry

Addison Landry is an Energetic Nutritionist who has dedicated her life to being a master healer and teacher. Her approach to wellness focuses on providing the tools for you to be own true healer, so she uses energy techniques and education practices that make you to feel empowered in guiding yourself to vitality.