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HypnoBirthing 5 Week Course


HypnoBirthing 5 Week Course

With Meagan Otu

HypnoBirthing the Mongan method is a comprehensive antenatal program giving you and your birthing partner everything you need to prepare with confidence for a calmer pregnancy and more gentle birth experience. It is an evidence-based program, and provides information for you to make informed choices about your birth and to support a positive birth experience no matter which turn your birthing journey takes. HypnoBirthing can reduce or even eliminate pain associated with labour. Learn how your thoughts, emotions and perceptions influence hormonal physiology and the physical responses of your body.

The 'hypnosis' of HypnoBirthing, is an important aspect to confidently address fears of birth, and stories and perceptions of pain in the subconscious, to change the way you view birthing. The course runs over 5 sessions to best support the integration and embodiment of the HypnoBirthing techniques and philosophy that will support your positive birth experience. Meagan passionately believes all parents should have the opportunity to learn these amazing techniques and skills to support a relaxed pregnancy and positive birth experience.

An overview of the course:

Unit 1. We build a positive birth expectancy, philosophy of hypnobirthing, history of Women and birthing, the origins of fear and pain in labour, how hypnosis creates positive birth outcomes, breathing techniques, mind/body connection. 

Unit 2. Falling in love with your baby, pre-birthing parenting, preparing your mind and body for healthy birthing.  Learning self hypnosis, relaxation and deepening techniques, release fear, birth preferences preview, building a partnership with care providers. 

Unit 3. Advanced visualisation and deepening. Labour and birthing visualisations, tips and practice scripts to reach the ultimate birthing state. Looking at estimated birthing dates, breech babies, Birthing preferences. Special circumstances, initiating labour naturally, understanding your body’s perfect design. Releasing emotions, fears, and limiting thoughts. 

Unit 4. Pre- Labour, onset of labour, birthing companions supporting role, birthing phases, misconceptions about labour, when labour slows or rests, birth breathing, birth imagery relaxation techniques

Unit 5. Nearing completion, optimal positioning for baby during birth and labour, positions for birthing, birthing phase, birth breathe review, births perfect design, breastfeeding, bonding with baby and fourth trimester. 

The course includes:

12.5 hours worth of content across 5 sessions, which are designed by the HypnoBirthing Institute to layer the information and techniques gradually, Marie Mongan’s HypnoBirthing book, Rainbow Relaxation MP3, class handouts: Guided relaxation and hypnosis scripts, visualisation posters, Robozo and massage techniques, birthing preferences template, birth companion prompt sheet

You also receive a complimentary 30 minute postpartum wellness voucher to use post birth, this is a combination of Kinesiology and Ayurvedic selfcare practices to support your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and nutritional well-being into Motherhood. 

There is no extra charge for a birth companion, this course brings lots of information and techniques to support your birth partner for them to be an integral part of your birth.



Sunday 2nd February 10am-12.30

Monday 10th Feb 6.30pm-9pm 

Sunday 16th Feb 10am-12.30

Sunday 23rd Feb 10am-12.30

Monday 2nd March 6.30pm-9pm



Meagan Otu

